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IMAGINE ARGENTINA TRAVEL LLC began as a simple website in 2005. Now a professional travel service distinguished for its personal touch, Imagine Argentina provides personalized journeys across Argentina and neighboring countries for individuals, families, and companies. Our extensive knowledge, reliable network, and careful attention to detail allows our dear clients to discover the majestic wonders of Argentina.

WADE ALEXANDER moved to northwest Argentina in 1999 where he served a humanitarian mission until 2001. In 2005, he graduated from BYU with degrees in Latin American Studies and Human Development. Working as a travel consultant ever since, Wade utilizes his passion and experience to introduce others to the wonders of Latin America. From 2008 to 2009, Wade relocated to Mendoza as a full-time resident to further improve the services of Imagine Argentina. He has worked with direct clients and travel agents alike (including Virtuoso agencies), while also leading incentive trips across South America. Wade is a published travel writer and photographer, with such work appearing in both Transitions Abroad and South American Explorers. 

TANIA NAHUELCURA was born and raised in San Juan, located along Argentina's western limits. Growing up in the shadow of the Andes, she and her family traveled often throughout Argentina and Chile. From 1999 to 2001, Tania served a humanitarian mission among the wonderful people of northern Argentina. As a writer, photographer, and full-time mother, Tania enjoys exploring the various destinations within Latin America.

buenos aires

rio negro







santa cruz


tierra del fuego

santa fe



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